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Women Leaders in Law Enforcement® Training Symposium | Anaheim | September 2024

Women Leaders in Law Enforcement® Training Symposium | Anaheim | September 2024

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 to Friday, September 6, 2024
Event Sold Out
Historical Milestones. Celebrating Progress. Acknowledging Trailblazers. Encouraging Future Firsts. Reflecting on Achievements.

The purpose of WLLE® is to bring together policing professionals in a supportive and empowering environment, enabling us all to learn from the knowledge and experience of others. WLLE® is a unique opportunity to network and connect with women and men who can help you succeed in your future endeavors. The symposium's goal is to continue to provide dynamic, contemporary training presented by subject matter experts in their fields and to help develop both professional and sworn members of the law enforcement community.

This year’s theme, “The Last of the Firsts”, focuses on celebrating the progress and advancements made in policing; acknowledges the pioneers and trailblazers who were the first to break barriers in the field; inspires current and future women leaders to continue pushing boundaries and making history; to consider what “firsts” may still be needed to advance policing as a whole.

WLLE® is THE event of the year and you can’t afford to miss it!

Registration Options

Credits Price
Registration Fee - Early Bird
Registration provides 3 days of content including 20+ workshops, 3 keynote presentations, up to 10 POST CPT credits, and endless networking opportunities! Registration Ended 3/15/24 at 11:59 PM PST
1.00 (CPCA Event) $525.00
Registration Fee
Registration provides 3 days of content including 20+ workshops, 3 keynote presentations, up to 10 POST CPT credits, and endless networking opportunities!
1.00 (CPCA Event) $550.00
Agency Head 1-Day Pass
Registration is exclusive to Agency Heads who would like to attend ONLY the Opening Ceremony and workshops on Wednesday, September 4th. 
1.00 (CPCA Event) $175.00


September 3
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM WLLE Committee Lunch Invite Only.
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Sponsor Move-In Location: Pacific and California Promenade

Sponsors can set-up their table displays in preparation for the Welcome Mixer and duration of WLLE!
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM WLLE Committee Power Hour Invite Only.
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM WLLEF Chapters Meeting Location: Coronado
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM First Time Attendee Mixer Location: Pacific and California Promenade

Calling all first timers! Come early and learn the ropes of the WLLE Conference from the committee members.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM All Attendee Welcome Mixer, WLLE Marketplace & Check-In Location: Pacific and California Promenade
Take advantage of early check-in to streamline your attendee experience and start networking ahead of the conference.

Use this as your opportunity to mingle, meet our sponsors and sip and shop at our WLLE Marketplace!
September 4
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Check-In Location: Registration Desk, Ballroom Level
Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Please have your mobile device ready, as you will use it to print your badge. 
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Wellness Room Location: Green Room
Indulge yourself in the carefully curated wellness room, a quiet space that promotes relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. Enjoy a quick stretch demo, chair massage (limited), therapy dogs, aromatherapy, and more.
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Speaker Green Room Location: Coronado, 4th Floor
Attention speakers! This is your space to prepare, unwind and relax pre and post presentation.
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Parent's Lounge Location: La Jolla, 4th Floor
WLLE offers a comfortable Parent's Lounge for nursing needs, ensuring a supportive environment for all parents. It will be equipped with a fridge for storage for breast milk or medication.
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Rise and Shine Coffee Hour Location: Pacific and California Promenade
Kickstart your day with our rise and shine coffee hour, perfect for energizing conversations and connections.
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Opening Ceremony and Keynote: Fireside chat with Simon Sinek: Transforming Policing Culture and Leadership Location: California Ballroom
Join us in welcoming Simon Sinek to WLLE for the first time in person! Simon, founder of The Curve—a non-profit with progressive police leaders—aims to inspire and develop leaders to modernize police culture. He’s known for his TED Talk on "WHY," with over 60 million views, and his viral video on millennials, which reached 80 million views in its first week, both now watched hundreds of millions of times.
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Recharge Hour Location: Pacific and California Promenade
Unwind and re-energize during our Recharge Hour, a dedicated time to relax and refresh between education sessions.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Education Session 1 Elected Official Panel
Yesenia Sanchez, Brooke Jenkins, Emada Tingirides
Location: California Ballroom

The Impact of EQ on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Policing
Dr. Gregory Campbell
Location: Pacific C

Changing Culture in a Police Organization
Chris Hsiung
Location: Pacific D

Unveiling Everything You Need to Know When it Comes to First Responder Finances
Crystal Kanada
Location: Pacific AB
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch Location: Grand Plaza (outside)
2:45 PM - 5:00 PM Mock Interviews Location: Lido A (Sergeant), Lido B (Sergeant), Lido C (Sergeant/Captain), Balboa A (Supervisory), Balboa B (Supervisory), Balboa C (Professional Staff)

Enhance your career skills with our mock interviews, offering personalized feedback and real-world practice. Pre-registration required.
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM Education Session 2 Advancing Women in Law Enforcement: A Roadmap to Success
Nicole Jones and Amy Hurwitz
Location: Pacific AB

Fight to Thrive: A Journey Through Critical Incidents, Mental Health and Resiliency
Meagan McCarthy
Location: Pacific C

We Can Do This! Or Can We?
Jessenia Ogunade
Location: Pacific D

Warrior Strong
Claudia Apolinar
Location: California Ballroom
3:30 PM - 8:00 PM Bussing to Downtown Disney There will be buses available to take you to Downtown Disney before the Evening Entertainment. Wear your conference name badge to ride for free!
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM After Hours Entertainment: Dueling Pianos Location: California Ballroom

Join us for an evening of fun with our special performance by Felix and Fingers, guaranteed to entertain and delight!

Prior to the start of the show, there will be a no-host bar in the California Foyer.
September 5
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Move your body! Location: Health Club and Pool Deck
Start your day with a work out! We will be offering 4 different classes: HITT, Yoga, Zumba and Spin.
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Wellness Room Location: Green Room
Indulge yourself in the carefully curated wellness room, a quiet space that promotes relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. Enjoy a quick stretch demo, chair massage (limited), therapy dogs, aromatherapy, and more.
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Speaker Green Room Location: Coronado, 4th Floor
Attention speakers! This is your space to prepare, unwind and relax pre and post presentation.
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Parent's Lounge Location: La Jolla, 4th Floor
WLLE offers a comfortable Parent's Lounge for nursing needs, ensuring a supportive environment for all parents. It will be equipped with a fridge for storage for breast milk or medication.
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Check-In Location: Registration Desk, Ballroom Level
Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Please have your mobile device ready, as you will use it to print your badge. 
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Rise and Shine Coffee Hour Location: Pacific and California Promenade
Kickstart your day with our rise and shine coffee hour, perfect for energizing conversations and connecting with our sponsors.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Keynote Speaker: Chief Sheryl Victorian Location: California Ballroom

The Last of the Firsts: Broadening the Blazing Path
This keynote focuses on preparing women in the profession for formal and informal leadership positions in police agencies by using shared experiences through the police career of a woman of several “Firsts.”
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Recharge Hour Location: Pacific and California Promenade
Enjoy our Recharge Hour, where great food meets great conversations.
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Education Session 3 Move Out to Move Up 2.0
Angela Averiett and Julie Cochran
Location: Pacific D

Returning to the Fight: An Officer's Perspective on PTSD Recovery PT. I
Emma Ramponi and Alexander Spencer
Location: Pacific C

The Gift in the Bullet
Heather Seddon
Location: California Ballroom

Your Voice, Your Strength
Shauna Gates and Debbie Eglin
Location: Pacific AB
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch Location: Grand Plaza (outside)
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Education Session 4 Leading Teams in the 21st Century
Kyle Baker
Location: Pacific D

Returning to the Fight PT. II
Emma Ramponi and Alexander Spencer
Location: Pacific C

Blue Courage: The Heart and Mind of the Guardian
Kathrine Holder and Julie Little
Location: California Ballroom

Tech Forward Leadership: How Technology is Changing Policing
Deanna Cantrell
Location: Pacific AB
3:45 PM - 4:30 PM Recharge Hour Location: Pacific and California Promenade
Take a rejuvenating break with our Recharge Hour, designed to refresh your mind and boost your energy!
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Education Session 5 When the Vest Isn't Enough: Navigating Breast Cancer in Blue
Nathalie Hurtado
Location: California Ballroom

Trauma Recovery: Addressing Needs Before the Next Mass Shooting Event
Dr. Tammy McCoy Arballo & Kasey Halcon
Location: Pacific C

The Last of the "No Comment" Era
Speaker Name
Location: Pacific D

Recruitment and Retention
Terry Cherry and Anthony Gibson
Location: Pacific AB
September 6
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Move your body! Location: Health Club and Pool Deck
Start your day with a work out! We will be offering 4 different classes: HITT, Yoga, Zumba and Spin.
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Check-In Location: Registration Desk, Ballroom Level
Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Please have your mobile device ready, as you will use it to print your badge. 

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Rise and Shine Coffee Hour Location: Pacific and California Promenade
Kickstart your day with our rise and shine coffee hour, perfect for energizing conversations and connections.
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Wellness Room Location: Green Room
Indulge yourself in the carefully curated wellness room, a quiet space that promotes relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. Enjoy a quick stretch demo, chair massage (limited), therapy dogs, aromatherapy and more.
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Speaker Green Room Location: Coronado, 4th Floor
Attention speakers! This is your space to prepare, unwind and relax pre and post presentation.
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Parent's Lounge Location: La Jolla, 4th Floor
WLLE offers a comfortable Parent's Lounge for nursing needs, ensuring a supportive environment for all parents. It will be equipped with a fridge for storage for breast milk or medication.
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Education Session 6 Critical Mindset Coordinated Response: A Presentation in Tactics and Culture
Justin Bugarin and Christina Galande
Location: Pacific C

The Art of Establishing Healthy Boundaries for Working Moms
Julia Clasby and Julie Rodriguez
Location: Pacific D

Nourishing Leadership: Putting Others First in Law Enforcement
Kendra Farmer and Carmen Greenwood
Location: Pacific AB

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Brunch and Closing Keynote: Brandi Chastain Location: California Ballroom

[insert keynote's title and description]

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM WLLE Committee Cheers Invite Only.

WLLE® History

About Women Leaders in Law Enforcement® Training Symposium

In 1987, Palo Alto Police Department Officers Lacey Burt and Alana Forrest, decided to coordinate a small gathering of women at a downtown hotel restaurant to discuss issues related to women in law enforcement. About 20 women showed up and exchanged ideas and business cards. In 1993, Sergeants Burt and Forrest hosted yet another gathering, which was more of a networking and “support group” for women in law enforcement. In 2004, the duo broadened the horizons and held a more formal workshop, including a police panel of women executives. They expected about 40 women to come, but soon reached 125 RSVP’s with a waiting list. There was standing room only at the event but that did not stop 20 more women who were on the wait list who arrived and pleaded their case to attend. This clearly validated the tremendous need for women in law enforcement to come together, hear each other’s stories in support of one another, train, trade contact information, and create bonds. The duo organized another event in 2005 with over 220 women in attendance and Women Leaders in Law Enforcement gained steam. 

In 2006, the President of the California Police Chiefs Association's Steve Krull, heard about the Women in Law Enforcement Workshops and asked Cal Chief’s leadership to put on a statewide conference to promote this initiative. He appointed San Mateo Police Chief Susan Manheimer and Los Gatos Police Chief Scott Seaman to lead the charge. So in late 2006, a one-day event was held at the Burbank Hilton with a theme of “Sharing Strategies for Success.” The hope was to have 300 people register and it was marketed to all law enforcement statewide. Over 540 registered and the event sold out! Rather than making it a one-time event, Cal Chiefs decided to do another one in 2007 in Sacramento and recruited the local police department to help host the event, which is the practice that has continued. There were 675 attendees. The theme was “Sharing Strategies for Success, the Power of Relationships” and the event was expanded to one and half days. Since then, the theme of “Sharing Strategies for Success” has continued, adding a specific focus each year.

Since its inception there have been hundreds of stories of women connecting, supporting, and sharing strategies to navigate this very difficult career. The original purpose that Officers Burt and Forrest had many years ago still remains: to provide excellent training in a supportive, positive, and inspiring way and attendees leave feeling better than when they came.

Grab your conference gear for WLLE! We have something for everyone. Order soon to ensure it arrives before September.

Shop Now

For More Information:

Carlin Cline
Carlin Cline
Program Operations and Experience Specialist California Police Chiefs Association (707)315-9593