
The California Police Chiefs Association was founded in 1966 to serve as a voice and resource for California’s municipal police chiefs. It has since grown to serve their seconds in command, retired chiefs, and school, transportation and campus chiefs of police. As a CPCA member, you become part of a expansive and niche community with access to connections, resources and professional development to help you stay successful in the policing profession.

Becoming a Member

Members gain access to a range of exclusive benefits, designed to enhance their skills, foster collaboration, and support their commitment to excellence in policing. These benefits include:

  • Professional development opportunities
  • Networking events
  • Executive Peer Support
  • Online Member Communities
  • Member Resource Libraries
  • and so much more! 

Below you will find more information about our memberships, including the application link for each membership type.

Memberships are one year long and begin on July 1st and end on June 30th. Please be advised that membership is contingent upon meeting the specified requirements and may not be approved if qualifications are not met. We appreciate your interest in joining CPCA and will be in touch within 24 hours after you submit your application.

Membership Dues by Member Type

Our Chief of Police membership is exclusively for police chiefs of municipal police agencies.

Dues are based on the total number of full time agency personnel - see below.
1-12 $231
13-25 $402
26-50 $508
51-75 $803
76-100 $1,872
101-150 $2,140
151-200 $2,407
Over 200 $2,673

Apply Today!

Note: Pursuant to Penal Code Section 832.4(c), police chiefs must have a POST Basic Certificate within two years of appointment. 

Associate Membership is available to sworn management and command staff level personnel in municipal police agencies. The Associate member must hold a rank that is considered at management or command staff level, unless the agency’s second in command is a sergeant, and then the sergeant would be eligible to join.

Associate membership is $170 annually.
Affiliate membership is a special category of membership reserved for individuals who are not current municipal chiefs of police but do hold the rank of chief of police or equivalent in the following policing categories – transportation, school, and campus. An affiliate member must be a full-time, paid, sworn officer with full peace officer powers as specified in Section832 of the Penal Code and not employed by a county policing agency.
Affiliate membership is $550 annually.
Retired membership is reserved for those that were previous members of the California Police Chiefs Association but are now retired.

Retired membership is $55 annually.

Membership FAQ

To qualify for Voting Membership in CPCA, an individual must be: 

  • A duly appointed Chief of Police of a legally constituted municipal police department in California. 
  • The Director of Public Safety, if a municipality assigns law enforcement functions to a Department of Public Safety instead of having a Chief of Police. 
  • The individual must hold at least a current "Basic" California POST certificate. 
  • If a Chief of Police or Director of Public Safety has been appointed but does not yet have the required POST certificate, they may qualify for a probationary voting membership for up to two years while actively pursuing the certificate. 
  • Voting membership is not open to individuals appointed by a Sheriff to provide police services under contract. 
  • Retired Chiefs of Police employed on a contract basis as a Chief of Police remain eligible for voting membership until the end of their contract. 
Voting Members have the right to vote on membership matters, participate in membership meetings, and serve on the Board of Directors. 
No, non-sworn command staff members do not qualify for membership in CPCA. Membership is restricted to sworn peace officers who meet applicable California statutes and POST criteria. 

Associate Members: Sworn municipal police officers at a management or command staff level (lieutenant or above) or, in some cases, a sergeant who is second in command of their agency. Acting Chiefs appointed by the City appointing authority may also qualify. 

Affiliate Members: Sworn peace officers who serve as Chiefs of Police in specialized law enforcement agencies such as transportation, campus, or school police departments. 

Retired Members: Former CPCA members who have honorably retired as peace officers. 

Life Members: Individuals who have maintained voting membership for at least 20 years or have served as CPCA President, with continued benefits depending on employment status. 

Applicants must complete the required membership agreement and submit any necessary documentation, including proof of POST certification (if applicable), along with the required dues and fees. 
If a probationary Voting Member fails to obtain the required POST certificate within two years, their membership is immediately terminated, and they must reapply once they have obtained the certification.