How to Post a Career Listing

Promoting your career or classified advertisement on our website is a fantastic method to extend the reach of your personnel search.

Your listing will be prominently displayed on our website for a duration of 45 days and a link to our Career Center webpage will be included in the President's Message distributed via email on a weekly basis. What's more, a specialized career bulletin featuring a direct link to the career postings will be sent via email to a diverse audience, encompassing 332 municipal chiefs, over 300 command staff members, and 2,000 women leaders in law enforcement across all ranks.

Cities or search firms interested in placing a listing on our website should choose one of the position options below:

Chief, Executive and Management Positions (Cost $400)- click here

Officer Positions (Cost $250)- click here

Other Sworn and Professional Staff Positions (Cost $400)- click here

You will need to log into your existing account or create one with a username (your email address) and password. Please attach your career or classified announcement link during registration. Upon completion, you will be asked for payment information. If you need an invoice so you can pay by check, choose the “invoice me” option and include your email address. A link to an invoice will be emailed to you.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Finance and Data Manager, Heidi Ursino.