CPCA Participant Code of Conduct


If you would like to report a violation of our Code of Conduct, please fill out this report form or email us at report@californiapolicechiefs.org. You are welcome to submit a report anonymously. If you believe anyone is in physical danger, please notify appropriate law enforcement immediately.

If a person involved in a report is on our team, they will not be included in responding to the report, except as required by law or equity. All reports are kept confidential. In some cases, we may determine that a public statement will need to be made, but the identities of all victims and reporters will remain confidential unless otherwise agreed upon.

We also reserve the right to reject any report we believe to have been made in bad faith or intended to silence legitimate criticism.



In your report please include:

  • Your contact info (so we can get in touch with you if we need to follow up; if you are submitting anonymously, you can use another contact method).
  • Names (real, nicknames, or pseudonyms) of any individuals involved. If there were other witnesses in addition to you, please try to include them as well.
  • When and where the incident occurred. Please be as specific as possible.
  • Your account of what occurred that you believe may have been in violation of the Code of Conduct. If there is a publicly available record (e.g., a mailing list archive, a tweet, etc.) please include a link for the record.
  • Any extra context that you believe exists for the incident that may be of assistance in the investigation of the incident.
  • If you believe this incident is ongoing.
  • Any other information you believe we should have.


The following process will take place after you submit a report:

  1. CPCA will review the incident and determine:
    • What happened.
    • Whether this event constitutes a violation of the Code of Conduct.
    • Who potentially violated the Code of Conduct.
    • Whether this is an ongoing situation, or if there is a threat to anyone's physical safety.
  2. If it is determined to be an ongoing incident or a threat to physical safety, our immediate priority will be to protect everyone involved. This means we may delay an "official" response until we believe that the situation has ended and that everyone is physically safe.
  3. Once we have a complete account of the events, CPCA will make a decision as to how to respond.
  4. If we determine there to be a violation, CPCA will respond to the person who filed the report with an explanation of an intended resolution.
  5. Once we have taken final action, we will contact the original reporter to let them know what action we took. We'll take into account feedback from the reporter on the appropriateness of our response, but we don't guarantee we'll act on it.
  6. Finally, California Police Chiefs Association will record a formal report on the violation. We may or may not choose to make that report public (with anonymity protected).

Any of the parties directly involved or affected can request reconsideration of CPCA’s decision. To make such a request, contact us at report@californiapolicechiefs.org with your request and motivation and we will review the case.